How acceptable is the Shia faith in the Islamic way!

How acceptable is the Shia faith in the Islamic way?The second largest branch of Islam is Shia Islam. But many scholars have declared the Shiites to be Kharijites. Today we will know the truth about the beliefs of the Shiites.

In Iran

Shias are divided into different branches. For example: Imami, Zaydia, Ismaili etc. are divided into small groups.Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. Shiites live in these Muslim countries.

Just as the Sunnis have different beliefs, so the Shiites have different beliefs.According to the scholars of the Salafi school, Zaydia Shia is saheeh. Like the Sunnis and Hanafis, the Zaydi Shias also mean four caliphs. They pray like the Salafis.

Abu Hanafi, the Imam of the Hanafis, learned from one of the most important Imams of Shia Islam. He learned from the Shiites not once, but twice. Moreover, the establishment of Salafism was learned from Hazrat Abdul Wahab and Shia scholars.

Abu Hanifa and Abdul Wahab have learned from the Shiites. They are Shiites following the Imami tradition.The Imams practice that the Shiites make 12 Companions their important Imams.

The Shiites of the Imami system are the three caliphs namely Hazrat Omar (R), Hazrat Osman (R), Hazrat Abu Bakr (R). According to the twelve Imami Shiites, Hazrat Ali (R) was the first caliph of Islam. This is where the Imami Shias are a little different from the Zaydi Shias.

Ismaili Shiites carry the worst creed among Shiites. But not all Ismaili Shiites are bad. However, most of the Ismailis consider Shia Ali (R) and some other Companions as infidels. They did not even exclude Ali as a prophet. Moreover, Ismaili Shiites have a few more bad beliefs. But Ismaili Shia is only 15 million in the world.

Most scholars believe that most Shiites hold more or less good beliefs. However, Islamic scholars are reluctant to comment on some Shiites. However, Madkhali Salafi did not hesitate to call the Shiites Kharijites.

Madkhali says Iran is a Kharijite because of the Saudi-Arab conflict. The idea is that many Sunni scholars.

However, some innovations are noticeable among the Shiites. For example, adding Shia to the Azan, muta, cutting the body on the day of Ashura in remembrance of Karbala, etc., are the innovations of the Shiites.

However, even though these are bidats, they are small bidats. However, Islam does not support any bidat. Buck does not support the fatwa of disbelief of any Muslim. Even in this time of Islam, there is a need for unity among Shiites, Sunnis, Salafis, Sufis and Hanafis.

So we can avoid the small innovations among ourselves by discussing. So, not through war, but through negotiations can unite the Muslims.


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