Russia: Will Turkey: Who will provide S-400 with technology?

Russia: Will Turkey: Who will provide S-400 with technology?

Turkey russia

Turkey said yesterday it was interested in buying more S-400 missile systems from Russia. The condition, however, is that Russia must transfer S-400 technology to Turkey. But will Russia accept Turkey's decision? Yes, it can. But Russia can also give conditions to Turkey. Russia and Turkey may have to cut off aid to the rebels in Syria and reconcile the rebels with Assad. And at least give Turkey a condition to withdraw from Syria.

Otherwise, Russia could sit on top of the Western armament technology. Which Turkey will never give. Even if given, Turkey will have to face a lot of pressure later. So Turkey may accept the terms of the Syria issue. 

How ever , not only the Syrian issue, Russia will want to take advantage of many more. Even then, Russia may not give full technology to Turkey.

What is your opinion? Is Turkey a condition of Russia or will Russia obey Turkey?

 However, it does not seem that Russia will provide Turkey with S-400 technology.

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